• Aural (Ear) Conditions

    If you’ve ever marveled at the responsiveness of your horse’s ears — the way they prick up for tiny sounds or flatten when it feels in danger — you realize how important these structures are for processing information and communication. Without good hearing, your horse will miss your vocal cues. Horse

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  • Arthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease

    Arthritis has several names — degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis — but, whatever you call it, your horse has stiff and painful joints. This common chronic condition often affects older horses, as the cartilage around their joints deteriorates, especially around their knees, coffins, fetlocks,

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  • Anhidrosis

    Horses with anhidrosis lack the ability to sweat. Sometimes, they start out capable of this normal bodily function, and then suddenly lose it. Horses of all breeds, ages, colors and genders are at risk. Also called drycoats or puffers, victims of anhidrosis are most often active horses who live in hot,

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  • Angular Limb Deformities

    Many young foals have crooked hind or front legs. Lax ligaments and weak muscles usually cause this discrepancy between legs, which is often self-correcting as the horse grows. However, this deviation makes the young horses more likely to crush the cuboidal bones during exercise. If this happens, once

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  • Abscesses and Cysts

    Cysts and abscesses can both form lumps on a horse’s body. However, they stem from different causes. Infections cause abscesses, which are full of pus that accumulates under the skin. Cysts are typically present from birth or form during a horse’s development. In some cases, a veterinarian will recommend

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  • Equine Movement Disorder

    Several conditions can affect how horses move. This includes ones that affect the spinal cord and nerves that run to the muscles as well as to the hooves. Stringhalt Stringhalt shows up in horses as a jump, jerk or hop in the one or both hindlimbs, with the legs tucked up high. Symptoms often start suddenly.

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  • Degenerative Problems

    Degenerative disorders are conditions that worsen over time. Some can be improved, or at least slowed, if caught early on. Here are a few common degenerative conditions that horses may face. Myelopathy Myelopathy is also called wobbler syndrome because of the affected horse’s unstable gait. This condition

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  • Dentistry

    Dentistry for Horses Like people, horses can develop dental problems. Also like people, some horses can be stoic in the face of major dental pain while a minor dental issue may compromise the performance of a more sensitive horse. This is why horses need regular exams to maximize their dental health. Foals

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  • Deworming and Internal Parasites

    Like any animal, horses are susceptible to a wide range of parasites. Of the approximately 150 species of internal equine parasites, some can cause serious harm while others are more of an annoyance. Usually parasite eggs or larvae arrive on the ground from the manure of infected horses. Another horse

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  • Diagnostic Imaging

    Diagnostic imaging allows veterinarians to see inside a horse’s body without the need for surgery. X-rays are probably the best-known type of diagnostic imaging, but many others are available to help diagnose illnesses and other health problems in horses. Each type of diagnostic imaging has its own

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  • Digestive Health

    A horse’s digestive system begins with the mouth, ends with the anus and incorporates all the organs in between that are involved in consuming and processing food. Its purpose is fourfold: to digest food, absorb nutrients, move food through the digestive tract and eliminate waste products in the form

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  • Equine Motor Neuron Disease

    This relatively new disease was first diagnosed in 1990 in the state of New York. It’s still a rare condition and mostly confined to the United States. Symptoms Horse owners might first notice that their horse is eating plenty, but still managing to lose a lot of weight. He might have a short gait,

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  • Viral Infectious Diseases

    Infectious diseases are those that one horse passes to another, or that mosquitoes or other vectors transmit. Some are more common than others. Treatments and prognoses vary, but your veterinarian can help by recommending appropriate vaccinations. Here are some of the more common viral diseases. Equine

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  • Venereal Disease

    Venereal diseases, also known as sexually-transmitted infections or diseases, are infections that can be passed during sexual contact. In horses, the two most common ones include: Equine viral arteritis Contagious equine metritis Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) Equine viral arteritis is a contagious sexually-transmitted

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  • Uveitis (Moon Blindness)

    Equine recurrent uveitis (also known as Moon Blindness or periodic ophthalmia) is one of the most common diseases that affect the eyes of adult horses. It is also the most common cause of blindness in horses, which makes prompt diagnosis and treatment of this condition essential. Causes of Equine Recurrent

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  • Arthritis in Horses

    Arthritis is one of the most common conditions causing lameness in older horses; in fact, arthritis is responsible for up to 60 percent of all lameness. Arthritis can affect the knee, joint, fetlock, coffin and hock. Arthritis that affects the pastern is also known as “ringbone.” Arthritis is the

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  • Seizures

    A seizure is caused by a period of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Seizures tend to come on suddenly and end by themselves. They also sometimes occur again. There are three main types of seizures: Partial (or focused) seizures affect one part of the brain, which, in turn, leads to symptoms

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  • Thyroid Problems

    The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system and consists of two lobes located on the front of a horse’s neck. This gland produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism and affect most of the body’s tissues. When functioning normally, the thyroid is not visible, but certain diseases

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  • Physical Exam

    Your horse might look as healthy as, well, a horse, making you wonder whether he really needs an annual exam. However, if anything is wrong with your horse’s health, it’s always better to detect a problem earlier rather than later. Your equine veterinarian can also advise on preventive measures to

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  • Ringbone

    Ringbone is a lameness condition that affects the pastern and coffin joints in horses. This is a degenerative disease that continues to worsen over time. The right treatment and ongoing management, though, can slow the progression of the condition. Types of Ringbone Ringbone causes an enlargement around

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  • Respiratory Conditions

    Horses are highly susceptible to a wide variety of respiratory conditions. These can be bacterial, viral or mechanical in nature, or they may be caused by allergies. Some are temporary; others are chronic. Some are serious while others are less serious. Upper airway problems are usually mechanical while

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  • Nutrition

    You can divide horse nutrition into six categories: carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water. If you get the right feed for your horse, it might take care of the first five. Supplement the feed with plenty of water, and your horse should have all of its needs met. However, to be sure

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  • Metabolism

    Metabolism in horses — and in other animals — refers to all the body’s complicated processes that break down food, drink and drugs to provide nutrients and energy for living. Anabolic reactions generally happen soon after eating, to build structural parts of the body, such as muscles. Catabolic

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  • Limb Conditions

    Several disorders can affect the hindlimbs, forelimbs or hooves of horses. Some of these can lead to lameness or changes in gait. Hindlimb Conditions in Horses Stringhalt is a condition that causes the horse to jerk or hop, with the hind legs pulled up high before taking the next step. This results

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  • Ligament and Tendon Injuries

    Ligaments and tendons are important parts of the musculoskeletal system, which also includes the muscles and bones. Together, all these components provide support for the body and enable the horse to move and exercise. Tendons are very tough bands of connective tissue that connect muscles to bone. Tendons

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  • Immunodeficiency Disorders

    Immunodeficiency disorders in horses are rare conditions that prevent the immune system from protecting the horse against viral, bacterial or other types of infections. These disorders can affect different parts of the horse’s immune system. They may be present at birth or develop later on in the horse’s

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  • Kidney and Liver Problems

    Horses are rarely prone to kidney or liver problems. Damage to both organs is much less common in horses than it is in cats or dogs. However, some aging horses do suffer from progressive and irreversible diseases of the liver or kidneys. Unfortunately, problems with these organs are seldom diagnosed

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  • Where Do You Look For a Horse?

    A good place to buy a horse is the stable where you ride or plan to keep the horse. The stable owner has an interest in keeping you satisfied, and knowing your abilities and temperament he or she can suggest a suitable animal. Riding instructors are also good agents for locating a suitable horse since

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  • Horse Health

    Looking after a horse is a complicated and, at times, trying experience. Part of a well horse health program includes routine vaccination and deworming. In addition to caring for the inside, however, two simple ways to maintain horse health are regular grooming and equine massage. Vaccinations Vaccinations

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  • Hoof Health and Care

    Horse hooves are complex structures that tell you a lot about your horse’s health and wellbeing. They’re also susceptible to many problems. Here are a few hoof basics as well as some of the major hoof issues your horse faces. Anatomy If you look at the bottom of a horse’s hoof, you’ll see two

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  • Hives and Skin Allergies

    The skin is the largest organ in the body and serves many important functions. In spite of its usefulness, a horse’s skin can also develop redness, itchiness or hives in response to various substances in the environment. These kinds of allergic reactions can be caused by things eaten, inhaled or touched

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  • Hernias

    Hernias A hernia is a tear in the body wall of a horse that allows the internal organs to push through to a place where they don’t belong. There are several types of hernias. They can affect horses of any age or breed. Horses may have a defect at birth (congenital) that increases the risk of a hernia,

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  • Headshaking

    Head shaking shows up in horses as uncontrollable shaking, jerking or flicking of the head, with no obvious physical irritation causing the condition. While some cases may be mild, head shaking can be severe enough to make a horse dangerous or unsuitable for riding. Other symptoms that may occur alongside

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  • Fractures

    Fractures, or breaks, can potentially occur in any bone in a horse’s body. Some types of fractures, however, are more common, especially among very athletic horses, such as racehorses. Causes of Fractures Fractures fall into several categories: An incomplete fracture (also known a “green stick,”

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  • Food and Nutrition

    From your point of view, as the caregiver, it is important to familiarize your horse with being handled-and of course, it is always gratifying to have a horse with a clean and smart appearance. Feeding your horse correctly is a vital element of effective horse care. A horse's natural grazing pattern

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